Games Group
Games research at IT University started in 1999. Since 2003, the Center for Computer Games Research houses a multi-disciplinary research group with backgrounds in the humanities, social sciences, the arts, and computer science. The group performs basic and applied research, approaching games from a variety of perspectives including theoretical analysis, design, ethnographic and qualitative approaches, AI, machine learning, cognitive and affective user modeling, and player experience.
Games Group


Digital play is still being studied using theories from the analog era. The Center for Digital Play develops novel theories and methods for the study of digital play. From game-trained Artificial Intelligence, to social communities created around videogames, gamification, esports, or game engines as artistic tools, digital play is an intrinsic yet understudied phenomenon in digital societies. The CDPs ambition is to define what it means to study of play in digital societies from a multidisciplinary perspective. Novel phenomena require novel methods and theories, and the purpose of the CDP is to become a reference center in the present and future of play and game studies.

The Center has three focal topics:

  • Play and players

  • Play and objects

  • Play and nonhumans